Monday, May 22, 2017


Monday.May 22, 2017. 2:08 P.M

"Leadership is the capacity to turn a vision into reality" Warren Bennis

"- I'm sitting in my  room listening to the rain pour and I cant help but feel a bit nostalgic. This month will make two years since i originally began this blog. I am more than grateful for everyone's support especially those who've been rocking with me since I began and originally started with the name "Visionaries at Work". A few people began with it just to be down but didn't even put any work in. I had to cut off dead weight and reevaluate. HOWEVER things are just beginning. I FOUNDED CREATIVE UNDERDOGS and my vision is in motion now and its not only a name its a lifestyle, an emotion, a brand , a feel and a VIBE. Being creative is everything to me and being doubted and dealing with frustrations as an underdog helps fuel that tank as well.. hence the name CREATIVE UNDERDOGS.

Everything I say or do has an actual meaning to it I don't just make shit up to be down. I could care less about validation from people who only do stuff because they see someone else doing it. I ride no one else's wave because I CREATE MY OWN .My confidence in my team , in myself and in Creative Underdogs is at an all time high. But as always I say less and do more ...however just know CREATIVE UNDERDOGS is here I feel it now more than ever....Love"
                - Nells Matic                 

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